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Plant Mirror Reflection


A Place of Reflection

Much of life is spent in the state of doing. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing; I’m someone who loves to get stuck in and swept up in a process. Movement is medicine, aligned activity is exhilarating.

However, I need equal time to reflect on the patchwork of places and people I encounter, along with the conversations, serendipities and oddities that occur, to find the common thread linking them together. The strands of magic that unite the unimaginable. The whispers that provide clues about the right way to live: for me. The things that bring me closer to the truth of my heart, found in the art of practicing presence.

Nahy Studio was created as an outlet for these musings. Some themes keep recurring on the journey: honouring the body, traveling, creating space for spirit, experiencing childlike wonder through art and play, learning new things, engaging fully with the lessons and messengers of right now. The components of wellness.

I write to make sense of what I observe along the way. Nahy Studio is my scrapbook. A curation of ideas, a collection of words: reflecting a perspective.

Thanks for visiting! x

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