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  • Nahy Studio

2023 Aries New Moon #1: New Beginnings

Updated: Apr 5, 2023

Today is the day of the Aries new moon. It’s the beginning of a new astrological year.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiacal wheel, symbolising the child of the zodiac: independent, free-spirited, action-oriented and impulsive.

My sun sign is Aries, so I’m very familiar with this energy. Tonight, I’ll honour it with a small ritual where I write the wishes I want to manifest under this moon.

I’ve been writing new moon wish-lists since 2017. They have been one of the best ways to get in touch with my desires, clarify what it is that I consciously want to call in to my life experience and prioritise what’s important to me at a given time. I also try to tune into the energy of the sign of the moon that’s occurring – so I can fully tap into the medicine of the archetype.

In astrological terms, each sign rules a different area of our life – regardless of whether we have planets there or not. This means there is an area of your life that’s being activated under this Aries new moon, a part of your life that takes centre-stage.

Aries rules the 9th house of my chart, so for my new moon list later I’ll give priority to the areas of spirituality/higher thought, travel, studies/higher learning – to infuse it with some relevant flavour.

Using pioneering, trailblazing Aries energy to initiate plans and take action on achieving long-awaited goals gives Universal support that can fuel the momentum in one or more areas of your life.

This year there will be a second Aries new moon, in a month’s time – however this will be an eclipse moon, which we generally hold off on writing manifestation lists for - as the energy is very unpredictable.

Tap into the power of the turning of the astrological wheel, the energy of spring, rejuvenation and new beginnings with the supportive energies of tonight’s new moon.

Image by Josh Rangel via Unsplash

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